Category Archives: Unboxing

The iPen Subscription Box – March 2017

I finally decided it was time to jump on the subscription box train.  I love getting things in the mail, and I was jealous of the boxes my husband gets.

After looking around for a bit, I settled on the iPen subscription box.  There were a few unboxing videos on YouTube that made it look promising, so I went for it.

I waited like a little kid looking for a birthday card, and I was so excited when it finally came!  (So was Porkchop.)

Overall, I was pretty pleased.  I love to write by hand, and this box certainly caters to that!  The fountain pen is amazing, and the Rhodia notebook is incredibly soft.  I will use everything in this box, and some of it I already have.  (It came with a little packet of gummy bears, and those mysteriously vanished about five minutes later.)

March iPenStore Box: Wing Sung Fountain Pen by Hero, Rhodia notebook, Rosetta Notes Blotting Card, e+m Copper Pencil, Mobius + Ruppert Little Quattro Swing Pencil Sharpener, Schneider Haptify Viscoglide Pen plus refill, Lamy ink sample (not pictured)

If you are a writer, or if you just enjoy the art of writing by hand, I highly recommend this box!  It ships for $30 including shipping in the U.S. and $40 everywhere else.


*This post was in no way endorsed by the iPen Store.  If you enjoyed it, though, feel free to swing on over to my available books on Amazon or find me on Facebook.


Filed under On Writing, Unboxing