Monthly Archives: November 2013

Small Things to be Thankful For


I am so thankful that my daughter loves me enough to write me this letter, and have it waiting for me when I got home last night.
I am thankful that I could give her a hug and tell her I wouldn’t be working on Thanksgiving.

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Filed under Holidays, Parenting

4 a.m.

The last few hours
of the night
press close
making sure
the nightwork is done.
The spinning
of every web,
the shining
of every star,
one last haunt
for every spirit.

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Filed under Poetry

The Real Cereal Killer

Time is such a precious commodity these days. And it’s no wonder considering all that society expects us to do. We must work outside the home, raise a family, and take care of the house and car. Be sure to enroll your kids in lots of extracurricular activities so you feel like you are actually a good parent. Keep up with all social media, popular TV shows, and world events.  Eat right and exercise!

Sure, we’d like to keep up with it all. But everything is so complicated these days. To give you an example, just think about everything involved in a box of cereal:

Step 1: Purchase the cereal. It doesn’t sound complicated, unless you have a coupon.
Step 2: Clip the Box Top.
Step 3: Clip the Bonus Box Tops.
Step 4: Notice that there is an offer for a free book, so go to the cereal manufacturer’s website.
Step 5: Set up an account on the cereal manufacturer’s website.
Step 6: Enter codes.
Step 7: Try to figure out why the codes aren’t accepted.
Step 8: Listen to your kids argue over which book to get.
Step 9: Start accumulating cereal boxes in the corner of your kitchen, because you would really like to order the free books again but just really can’t find the time.

Somewhere in the midst of all that, you’re supposed to eat the cereal, too. But who has time for that?


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Filed under Family, Uncategorized

My Veteran

I know several veterans, but the one that I’m thinking about most today is my grandpa.  Grandpa spent his life with the Air Force, so growing up I heard lots of stories about the places that they traveled to and the things that happened there.

My favorite story is this:  Grandpa was in the mess hall overseas when the bombing started.  All around him, soldiers abandoned their food and dove under the table.  Grandpa calmly told his fellows that they might as well get up and enjoy their meal.

This little tidbit might not seem like much, but it explains my grandpa in a nutshell.  I never saw him get mad or agitated.  He was always calm and quiet.  After a battle with Parkinson’s, he passed away last fall.  I think about him a lot, but I’d like to dedicate my Veteran’s Day to him.


This picture was taken just before he presented my grandma with the flag.

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Filed under Family, Holidays

November Tidings


Happy November!

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Filed under Holidays, Parenting